Some Luck

Going through the photos from the last post, there are a few I feel work together better then others. I debated creating separate post for them, but maybe with some effort they can be worked into a story.

Mainly these two photos, which have a similar story behind them. I had been walk to or from work, when I found some things that most would consider lucky. In the case of the clovers, I had spotted a four leaf clover or two before finding the five leafed one that you see me holding. I felt that this could make a nice St. Patrick’s day blog post, but I accidentally deleted the photo, and refound it a week or so ago.

As for the box of coins, I had started looking at the furniture, when I opened the drawer to find a bunch of coins. Some of those coins even spilt onto the ground, surprising a toddler and her nanny.

I would like to say I am lucky, but that is not always good luck. At times I have regularly had car trouble, or situations that make me doubt things even my beliefs! Then at other times I wonder why I felt so low. Occasionally I feed on my own doubts, or walk into situations that are not great. It can be easy to forget that each day offers a lot of potential. Or forget that life is a gift, and even when it is tough my life is still worthwhile.

In those moments a sign of good luck can be a reminder to look for something good. It could also be a sign of love, at least in the case of the clover. There a gardener took time to grow special clovers, and her neighbors respected it and did not steal them. For the coins, someones forgetfulness will brighten another persons day, and that ost less then a dollar.


It is a nice treat to celebrate both Passover and Easter in the same weekend, it feels as times like it was meant to be that way. Glad both these holidays fall on a weekend too, it makes life easier since a lot of the working world can slow down too!

With Easter the holiday seemed a bit more active, and it was one of the first Easters I volunteered in something other then the children’s ministry. I painted faces at an egg hunt, and I was hoping by now I would have photos. I do have photos from the event, and from easter, but I don’t have permission to share them.šŸ˜Ŗ since there are people in the photo, and kids. Some of my photos are also not that great. Perhaps I can follow up soon with photos, but before I fully miss the holiday, I at least want to say happy Passover and Easter!

Hopefully it was fun or at least a nice weekend. Here it was raining, which worried the other face painters and me since we were out doors, but even then it was still nice.

Similar Taste

Recently I have had a few situations that have been on my mind, and those situations have soured my attitude at some points. After those moment I have tried to work through what happened, and find a solution. Sometimes though, the solution doesn’t come quick, and that sourness can become bitterness.

On the contrary, I sometimes can have jokes rolling around in my head, and although I have heard them before, they are still funny. The reason for that may be similar to why certain songs get stuck in my head, like they are either catchy, or they match my mood.

Like the situations that I am questioning, there are jokes that speak to me more when I am feeling happy and free, but there are things that speak to me when I am angry or sad too! Jokes can have the same energy too, like a simple joke can make you feel smart, or a sarcastic joke can remind you that better things are ahead.Ā In those cases the humor can be like the song from Annie, about the sun coming out tomorrow.

Online, I have seen people call things that match a specific attitude a vibe. Or basically, that although these are different things, there is a similarity. Which are the types of things I can be drawn to. Like this nursery joke, about about the hour lasting forever, matches my feelings about the church nursery some days.

In fact I had saved the above photo for the occasion when someone ask me about my feeling about that type of job or role.Ā Then when they ask why I spent so long there I can say that it is still an adventure, even if it takes forever. Hopefully people understand that I make jokes not out of have, or out of love, but to acknowledge how dynamic a topic can be. After all, even the things I enjoy most have their own short coming! On a related note, that is why I made this flow chart. As the positives and the negatives should be noted, and if something is to negative, then an action may needed. Then when things are balanced, they can compliment each other. Like the chicken dish found at some restaurants, it can be something that is sweet and sour.Love in action

Overall words sometimes fail me, which is why I am drawn to other things at times. Creating a chart can help me get started with finding the words, or art, jokes, and music can help me self-redirect. When these things combine with the words I am trying to find, it is a bit more tasteful, and the situation easier to enjoy. Hopefully, it can help me with the situations I am trying to work through and understand, otherwise I am hoping that there is some benefit. I prefer to look for the good in things when I can, even if it isn’t much, since that has made life much more enjoyable. Life is sweet, and I want to enjoy every bit of it I can. Life can always be sweeter, or the opposite can be true, but I hope you enjoy your slice of life too.


With Love,

